Vero Vine - Online Community & Event Calendar
Carmine & Lucia's Carmine & Lucia's
Florida Archery Foundation Florida Archery Foundation
Seahorse Lane Boutique Seahorse Lane Boutique
Casp Baby Mommy & Me Boutique Casp Baby Mommy & Me Boutique
ELC Adventures in Learning Lecture Series ELC Adventures in Learning Lecture Series

Vero's Beach Lifestyle Photo Contest

Vero's Beach Lifestyle Photo Contest


1 Day Polo Clinic for 4
$1,000 Value
BG Polo Vero Beach
BG Polo Vero Beach
6/mo of Lessons
$650 Value
Vero Equine Riding Academy
Vero Equine Riding Academy
Highwaymen Painting
$450 Value
Stacey Morabito
Dale Sorensen Real Estate
Stacey Morabito of
Dale Sorensen Real Estate
Dinner for Two at Cobalt
$150 Value
Cobalt Resturant
Cobalt Restaurant
A Wave Photo Print
$45 Value
Freelance Photography
Handbag, Clutch & GC
$140 Value
Dede's Show Salon
Dede's Shoes, Apparel
& Hangbags

Lightning by Erik Olliges

Sunrise, Disney's Vero Beach
by Buster Owsley

Night Lights
by Paul A Tripaldi

Sunset In Vero Beach
by Peggy Connolly

Starry Sunrise
by Kelley Williams

Living In Paradise
by Mary Beth Brown

Cool Days And Sun Rays
by Tatiana Fundora

Pelican Island
by Lisa Villazon

Connecting The Commonwealth
by James Luke

Ghost Dancers
by Michael A. Evans

Teach A Man To Fish...
by Cathy Woodby

Life's A Beach
by Terri Jacoby

In The Breeze, S.Beach
by Bonnie Owings

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Top Contest Sponsors

BG Polo Vero Beach
BG Polo Vero Beach
Vero Equine Riding Academy
Vero Equine Riding Academy
Stacey Morabito of Dale Sorensen Real Estate
Stacey Morabito of Dale Sorensen Real Estate
NateHPhoto Freelance Photographer
Angelo and Brenda LIVE
Angelo and Brenda LIVE 107.9 FM / 1370 AM

Cobalt Restaurant
Cobalt Restaurant

Dede's Shoes
Dede's Shoes, Apparel & Handbags